Real estate in the will

Real estate is one of the most sought-after investments. It is therefore no surprise that houses, apartments and plots of land are often included in the estate of the deceased. So that after [...]
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Real estate prices and demand continue to rise in 2020

In the first quarter of 2020, residential property prices were on average 6.8 percent higher than in the first quarter of 2019. Respectable price increases were recorded both in the cities [...]
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Nursing homes as a capital investment

The demand for care facilities is constantly increasing. The reason for this is the demographic development in Germany with its disproportionate increase in the older population compared to the younger generation. [...]
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Bundestag passes building energy law

On June 19, 2020, the Bundestag passed the Building Energy Act (GEG). In future, this law will bring together all legal requirements in the area of buildings and renewable energies. [...]
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How to keep pigeons off your roof

Pigeons are a rather unpopular species for most people - at least on their own balcony or roof. Not only does pigeon droppings contaminate the [...]
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