Selling a joint property in the year of separation - there is much to be said for this

Dividing a joint property is often a huge challenge for couples going through a divorce. Even if both partners are actually in agreement. A sale [...]
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Selling the property despite the lockdown

There seems to be no end to the coronavirus waves and lockdowns. Anyone who has to sell their property now or has perhaps been planning to sell for some time can still [...]
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The right broker: cheaper is not always better

When choosing the right estate agent, the new Real Estate Agent Act has added the component of price. As the seller now has to pay either half or all of the [...]
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Extended deadline for the Baukindergeld - How do I submit an application?

The Baukindergeld is a state subsidy for families with children who purchase residential property - regardless of whether they are building a new home or buying an existing property. The subsidy measure [...]
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