Real estate financing - what options do I have?
3 min.
In addition to a property, many prospective buyers are also looking for suitable financing. There are various options here. Our overview provides information on the most important financing options.
An experienced real estate agent is not only an expert in buying and selling properties, but also a valuable partner when it comes to financing your dream home. They can give you a rough idea of your options in advance and recommend an independent financing expert for comprehensive advice. The most important financing options:
Annuity loan
The annuity loan is the most common form of real estate financing. It is characterized by constant instalments consisting of interest and repayments. The advantage: you have a fixed calculation basis and know exactly what monthly costs you will incur.
Full repayment loan
A full repayment loan is a loan where the entire loan amount is repaid in full within the fixed interest period. This option offers planning security, as there is no residual debt at the end of the term.
Variable rate loan
With a variable-rate loan, the interest rate regularly adjusts to the current market interest rate. This option offers flexibility, as you can usually repay the loan with a short notice period. However, you bear the risk of interest rate changes.
KfW loan
The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) offers low-interest loans to promote home ownership. These loans are often combined with government grants and repayment subsidies, which makes them particularly attractive.
Building society contract
A home loan and savings contract is a combination of savings and a loan. First you save a certain amount, which is later used together with a loan to buy a property. This option offers long-term planning security.
Subsidies and grants
In many regions, there are special subsidy programs and grants for property purchases, especially for families, young couples or energy-efficient renovations. These can make financing considerably easier.
Choosing the right financing option is a crucial step on the way to your dream property. Let a professional real estate agent help you find the best solution for your individual situation. With the right partner at your side, the path to home ownership will be much easier and more secure.
Are you looking for someone to recommend an independent financial advisor? Get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you.
For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.
Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.
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