

Read informative articles on various real estate topics here

3 min.
The strategy behind the offer price

The asking price of a property has a significant influence on whether the property finds a buyer, whether it is sold at a fair market price and how [...]

3 min.
Divorce property - these options are available

For married couples, the shared property is often more than just the home they share; it also represents a significant asset and an important part of the [...]

3 min.
Real estate financing - what options do I have?

In addition to a property, many prospective buyers are also looking for suitable financing. There are various options here. Our overview provides information on the most important financing options. An experienced real estate agent [...]

3 min.
Real estate inheritance - from family conflict to success story

Anna M. and her two siblings have inherited their parents' house, where they spent their childhood. In addition to grieving for their father [...]

3 min.
How to find an affordable property now

Many prospective buyers are still put off by real estate prices and interest rates. But the asking price does not have to be the last word. Property seekers still have a good chance of negotiating. The [...]

3 min.
Checklist: Advantages of an estate agent when selling real estate

A real estate sale rarely runs smoothly. Especially in the current situation, in which prospective buyers believe they cannot afford a property, an experienced [...]

3 min.
Buy or rent: Why buying is worthwhile?

For most people, buying a home is probably the biggest financial decision of their lives. And a project that involves financial obligations for decades after [...]

3 min.
Finding real estate buyers - but how?

The German real estate market has changed noticeably in recent years. Rising interest rates and high prices have influenced buyer behavior. Despite these challenges, there are [...]

3 min.
Selling real estate - how to avoid the 7 biggest mistakes

In most cases, emotions and a good piece of the past are attached to a property. If a sale is imminent, sellers should consider important milestones so that the [...]

1 min.
The real estate weather remains volatile

People looking for real estate are still reluctant to buy. With current prices and interest rates, buying a property is still a challenge. Currently, the [...]

3 min.
Where can I get the documents for the real estate sale?

Many owners only realize during the sales process that they lack the relevant documents. This can not only delay the sale, but also [...]

3 min.
What does an energy performance certificate provide information about?

Poor energy balance, hardly any interested parties - if your property is not quite up to date in terms of energy efficiency, you will be familiar with this. Especially now, when prices are [...]

3 min.
Incidental purchase costs: this is how much more buyers can expect

Real estate buyers often overlook or underestimate the fact that they will incur further costs in addition to the purchase price. This is because not all the costs of buying a property are immediately [...]

3 min.
Real estate price slump - how to still sell successfully

According to the Federal Statistical Office, real estate prices in 2023 recorded the sharpest decline since 2000. What should you as a seller expect now and what should you [...]

2 min.
How long do I have to wait from the notary appointment until the purchase price is paid?

With the successful notary appointment, the purchase of a property is notarized. Nevertheless, buyers and sellers still have to be patient until the purchase price has been paid and [...]

3 min.
Dream property: How to find hidden properties

In some regions of Germany, prospective property buyers are faced with a Herculean task: many attractive offers remain inaccessible to them because they are not publicly offered on the market. [...]

3 min.
The prefabricated house - an affordable alternative?

Due to the effects of the recent crises, many prospective buyers are looking for affordable alternatives to buying or building a house. A prefabricated house can be one way to reduce costs. But [...]

3 min.
Buying real estate: successfully negotiating the price

Prospective buyers need not fear the current purchase prices. The current market situation offers good opportunities for negotiation. We have tips for you on how to [...]

4 min.
Checklist: Funding for new builds, conversions and renovations

Would you like to finally fulfill your dream of owning your dream home? Are you hesitating about buying a property because major renovation work or energy-efficient refurbishment is required? Then [...]

2 min.
Inherit, sell, pay no tax

Good news for communities of heirs: a ruling by the Federal Fiscal Court means that income tax no longer has to be paid on the sale of inherited shares. If you are part of a [...]

3 min.
Finding your dream property with a search request

Finding a property is still not easy. Although the supply of real estate has increased slightly since the interest rate turnaround and demand has fallen [...]

3 min.
How much equity do I need to buy a property?

Since interest rates have risen, many property seekers have found that real estate financing is still possible. Banks are willing to finance, there are state [...]

3 min.
New build in the crisis? When building is still worthwhile

According to general reports, most people are currently unable to afford a home of their own. Corinna Merzyn from the Association of Private Builders complains in an article for [...]

3 min.
Attractive subsidies for renovation measures for 2024

As there are state subsidies for renovation measures, buying a property in need of renovation can be a bargain. However, what is worthwhile depends on the individual case. Here [...]

3 min.
The end of the electricity and gas price brake: owners can expect these costs

At the start of 2024, the electricity and gas price brakes will be a thing of the past. The German government introduced these measures in 2023 in order to [...]

3 min.
Buying real estate: Are there bargains again?

If you ask current real estate and market experts when is a good time to buy real estate, many will say: "Now". Because according to an article [...]

3 min.
How to find an affordable property - a field report

Like many people at the moment, Claudia P. didn't find it easy to find a property. First the properties were too expensive, then there were difficulties [...]

3 min.
Real estate market 2024: what sellers can expect now

If you sell, sell now. Many experts expect prices to bottom out in the coming year. This means that prices will move sideways or fall [...]

2 min.
Is the situation on the German rental markets getting frostier?

Many potential buyers still shy away from buying real estate. The uncertainty caused by the rise in interest rates is causing them to stay in their rented apartments or [...]

3 min.
Real estate market 2024: What buyers can expect now

Easing on the housing markets in the new year? Probably not, say experts in view of the persistently high interest rates. Paradox: although demand is high, [...]

3 min.
Find your dream property with us in 2024 too

It is currently not easy for real estate sellers and buyers to come together. The market is still in a dynamic phase. This is unsettling many people looking for real estate. But [...]

3 min.
Find the right property with the search request

Finding a property is still not easy. Even if the supply of real estate has increased somewhat since the turnaround in interest rates and demand has [...]

3 min.
Selling a property without losing value

Many owners only realize that their property has lost value when they want to sell it. They often already have a price in mind and [...]

3 min.
Real estate: more expensive in the short term - but cheaper in the long term?

The housing market will remain tight in 2023 and new construction will also come to a standstill in many places due to persistently high interest rates and material costs. According to Spiegel magazine, [...]

3 min.
Heating law from 2024: Why unrenovated properties will fall in price

The Building Energy Act (GEG) was introduced to standardize and optimize energy efficiency regulations. It defines the requirements for the energy standard of buildings. But one [...]

3 min.
Doubling of KfW funding for age-appropriate housing from 2024

Most of us want to stay in our familiar home in old age. In order to make this possible, various construction measures can be considered which [...]

3 min.
Numerous cities increase property tax

According to a survey by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), one in seven municipalities in Germany is increasing property tax. In many municipalities, the cost of [...]

3 min.
Rent or buy: how to make the right decision

The question of the right form of housing arises several times in the course of a lifetime. Especially when starting a family. However, both interest rates and [...]

2 min.
Real estate inheritance checklist

After a death, surviving dependants often not only have to cope with grief, but also settle a variety of matters. Especially when inheriting a property, relatives should [...]

3 min.
How it works with real estate financing

The rules for lending to finance real estate have become stricter. This has meant that buying a property is currently [...]

1 min.
Buying real estate: there is still movement in the matter

Many people looking for real estate have become more cautious. Inflation and higher interest rates are making it more difficult to buy real estate. For many prospective buyers, a property is currently only affordable if [...]

4 min.
Refurbishing a property before selling?

Properties that are renovated or refurbished before being sold may achieve higher values when they are sold. But is the effort of a [...]

3 min.
Better buying opportunities: Significantly more properties on the market

The reluctance to buy on the German real estate markets due to low interest rates is resulting in a significantly greater supply. This gives prospective buyers a better chance of finding a property. Even [...]

3 min.
The viewing - what you should know as a seller

A nice brochure is not enough. Before a prospective buyer purchases a property, they also want to view it. For you as a seller, this not only means [...]

2 min.
Help, we have inherited a property - how do we come to an agreement?

One person wants to move in themselves, another wants to sell, a third is considering whether it would be sensible to rent out. If several people inherit a property, there are often different [...]

3 min.
What the EU Buildings Directive means for owners

The European Union (EU) is also focusing on the real estate sector when it comes to climate change. Buildings in the EU are to become climate-neutral by 2050. Around 14 [...]

3 min.
How much home you would get for your rent

Swapping rent for a purchase installment and making the dream of home ownership come true: That's what more than 70 percent of tenants in Germany want. But [...]

4 min.
Buying real estate: general conditions better than before

For many people who want to own their own home, buying a property currently seems unrealistic. Inflation as well as increased interest rates and construction costs make real estate seem unaffordable. But were the [...]

3 min.
Checklist: Real estate during the divorce

Divorce is often an emotional rollercoaster ride. It is also a bureaucratic effort. Even if the shared property is always in the back of your mind, it [...]

3 min.
Valuation: What does an estate agent look for?

As a property owner, the question of how much your property is worth is certainly burning under your nails, regardless of whether you want to sell or not. But [...]

3 min.
Valuation: What does an estate agent look for?

As a property owner, the question of how much your property is worth is certainly burning under your nails, regardless of whether you want to sell or not. But [...]

3 min.
Property viewing - what you should look out for beforehand

It worked: after a long search for a new home, an estate agent has invited you to view the property. You already see yourself as [...]

3 min.
More funding for age-appropriate conversions

Even in old age, many people want to live in their own home. However, as their strength declines, this becomes increasingly difficult. Showering in the bathtub [...]

3 min.
What you should know about a community of owners

Are you thinking of buying a condominium for your own use or as an investment? Then there are a few basic rules to follow. Before you buy, take [...]

3 min.
Is renting an alternative to buying?

Inflation and rising interest rates mean that many people looking for real estate feel they cannot afford to buy. The rental market also appears to be more attractive for high earners. [...]

3 min.
How to find the right pricing strategy for your property

Contrary to many media reports, real estate is still in high demand. However, inquiries and purchases have fallen sharply. The reason: financing rates are often far above the [...]

1 min.
Is renting still an alternative to buying?

The rise in interest rates has unsettled many prospective buyers, who are putting off buying a property. Instead of committing to such a large investment as a property, they are [...]

3 min.
These are the duties of an owner

It's a nice idea: relaxing on the terrace of your own property while children and their friends run around in the garden. A property with a garden is for [...]

3 min.
Obligation to renovate: effects on the sale of real estate

If a property changes hands, the Building Energy Act (GEG) of 2020 obliges the buyer to renovate it. For buyers, this means that the property will become more expensive. The [...]

3 min.
Settle your inheritance during your lifetime: Giving away real estate?

Have you ever thought about the inheritance of your property? Can your heirs afford the inheritance tax or will they perhaps leave the property [...]?

3 min.
New subsidies for real estate purchases

If you want to buy a property today, it's not easy. Rising interest rates are being met with real estate prices that are still high in some cases. However, those looking for real estate receive support from the state [...]

3 min.
Selling real estate at a fair market price

When a property is sold, there is usually more at stake than just making a profit. Owners have to pay off an existing loan, buy a new property [...]

3 min.
Equity as a panacea when buying real estate

Every real estate dream needs a solid foundation. For the bank that grants you a substantial loan, this is your equity. But which assets belong [...]

3 min.
Divorce property: When the ex-partner doesn't want to move out

At the beginning of the relationship, happiness seems perfect. But not all couples' happiness lasts forever. If the owners of a shared property get divorced, [...]

3 min.
Is the refurbishment obligation coming?

Old and non-energy-efficient buildings have had their day. At least if the EU has its way. If the EU Parliament adopts its planned refurbishment obligation, many owners in [...]

3 min.
Self-determined living in old age as an ideal: what needs to be considered?

Germany is getting older and older. Very few people realize what this means. One thing is clear: most senior citizens want to live independently for as long as possible. The [...]

3 min.
Self-determined living in old age as an ideal: what needs to be considered?

Germany is getting older and older. Very few people realize what this means. One thing is clear: most senior citizens want to live independently for as long as possible. The [...]

3 min.
What brokers may and may not do

Case law sets the pace. This also applies to real estate transactions in which an estate agent is involved. What costs may be charged? What is included in a brokerage contract [...]

2 min.
Stormy weather for home sellers

Not only are the real estate markets currently in flux, they are also not developing uniformly across Germany. Inflation and rising interest rates have led to a loss of purchasing power for many property [...]

3 min.
Real estate sales with the help of social media

Social media have become indispensable and are simply part of most people's everyday lives. So it is all the less surprising that the [...]

3 min.
Checklist: Real estate financing

Despite inflation and higher interest rates, buying a property is still possible. However, those looking for real estate must adapt to the new situation on the real estate market. Particularly important [...]

3 min.
Easter bunny seeks commercial property

With the start of spring, not only does nature awaken from hibernation, but the Easter bunny has also returned from his long vacation. Like every year, [...]

3 min.
What does the property tax return actually do

Property tax reform ahoy: The burden of submitting a property tax assessment declaration by January 2023 at the latest has fallen away from many of us. Nevertheless, the question arises as to what [...]

3 min.
Why you should buy a property now

We live in turbulent times. After Corona, we were hit by the news of the war in Ukraine. Uncertainty and fear have been our faithful companions for years. Currently, the [...]

3 min.
Energy certificate: What does it say?

The energy performance certificate has been around for over ten years now. The good news first: only owners who want to rent, lease or sell need to [...]

3 min.
Mistakes when buying real estate

The worst-case scenario after buying a property: the house or apartment doesn't fit after all, the loan amount was calculated inadequately and major costs cannot be covered [...].

3 min.
Mistakes when selling real estate

Would you like to sell your property, but don't know exactly how to present it in a sales-promoting way in the exposé and what sales price you should set? We [...]

3 min.
New home ownership subsidy planned from early summer 2023

Would you like to buy a property, but your financial resources are limited? Here's some good news: in June of this year, the child building allowance expires and [...]

3 min.
Insurance for owners: must-have vs. nice-to-have

Insurance is a dime a dozen, even for property owners. But which one do you really need in the end? Do builders need the same insurance as owners of [...]

3 min.
360-degree tour: practical, time-saving, qualifying

A 360-degree tour saves you time and stress. Prospective buyers who are interested in your property can use this option to get a quick and uncomplicated [...]

3 min.
Dispute over real estate inheritance - it doesn't have to be that way

Katharina H. and her siblings found it difficult to agree on what should become of the jointly owned inherited property. Georg wanted to sell the property. Jana wanted to [...]

1 min.
Video: No real estate purchase without a notary

To ensure that the purchase of your property is binding in the end, the notary must handle it legally. To ensure a quick and smooth notarization of the purchase [...]

3 min.
Increase property value now with cheaper solar systems

Photovoltaic systems not only help to save energy costs, they can also increase the value of a property. For anyone who has been toying with the idea of installing [...]

3 min.
Declaring war on power guzzlers

Many people are currently paying more than twice as much for their electricity consumption than a year ago. Due to the rise in energy prices, many owners are [...]

3 min.
Can we buy a property as an unmarried couple?

If you are an unmarried couple looking to buy a house or apartment, there are a few things you should consider beforehand: What arrangements should I make for the [...]

2 min.
Owners, landlords, developers - what will change in 2023 - Part 1

No beginning of the year is complete without changes to the law - this year, owners, landlords and builders must also prepare themselves for changes. You can read about the most important changes here. [...]

2 min.
Video: How do I finance a property in the current market conditions?

Everything is becoming more expensive, including the dream of owning a home, which for many normal earners is receding further and further into the distance. But if you consider a few things [...]

3 min.
Divorce property: Understanding the land register

The owner of a property must be entered in the land register. If a couple divorces who own a property together, it depends on who is registered in the [...]

3 min.
Checklist for buying real estate

Before buying a property, there are a few things to consider so that your future home does not become a cost trap. What is important and what you should definitely [...]

3 min.
Checklist for buying real estate

Before buying a property, there are a few things to consider so that your future home does not become a cost trap. What is important and what you should definitely [...]

3 min.
We will continue to help you find your dream property in 2023

The energy crisis, inflation and rising interest rates have left their mark on the German real estate market this year. Demand for real estate has declined in some cases. For real estate seekers like [...]

1 min.
Video: Divorce with children and property: do you know the nesting model?

Children are particularly affected by divorce. Not only do they experience the separation of their parents, but they also lose their familiar surroundings, their shared home. [...]

3 min.
How much equity do I need to buy a property?

Even though the rise in interest rates has made real estate financing more difficult in the eyes of many property seekers, buying a property is still possible. Real estate seekers must [...]

3 min.
CO2 tax: owners will also have to pay from 2023

From January 1, 2023, tenants and landlords will have to pay the CO2 tax. Previously, only tenants paid for the emission of carbon dioxide. How the tax [...]

3 min.
ESG - what real estate owners need to know

According to EU guidelines, the building stock in Europe should be almost climate-neutral by 2050. This affects 240 million buildings. Older buildings in particular are [...]

2 min.
Video: The offer price and the right sales strategy

Buyers who try to push the price down - this is a scenario that many people who want to sell a property fear. This tempts them to make the mistake of offering a higher [...]

3 min.
Can I still afford follow-up financing now?

Everything is becoming more expensive and interest rates are rising. These should slow down the rise in prices. However, some homeowners who have not yet paid off their property are afraid of [...]

3 min.
Longer deadline for property tax returns - but the problems remain

Many property owners are breathing a sigh of relief. They now have until January 31, 2023 to submit their property tax return. However, the deadline extension does not resolve the difficulties that [...]

3 min.
When you become a tenant (again) as an owner

On the one hand due to divorce, old age or a job change, on the other hand due to the current uncertain situation: there are many reasons why your own property has to be sold [...].

2 min.
Video: The exposé - why it is indispensable

Demand for real estate remains high despite the crisis. As an owner, you quickly think that a brief description is enough to generate interest in the [...]

3 min.
Falling demand for real estate - how much is mine still worth?

In some parts of Germany, demand for real estate fell by between 50 and 90 percent. The time it takes to sell real estate is currently getting longer again. The drop in [...]

3 min.
Find your dream property now - despite or because of the market turnaround?

Inflation and rising interest rates are unsettling many people looking for real estate. They are wondering whether they can still afford a house or apartment now. But real estate experts say: [...]

1 min.
Video: Partition auction rarely ends well

What happens to the joint property in the event of divorce? This question often leads to disagreements. Share, rent, sell, one of you stays in it? Does [...]

3 min.
For the new job: selling a property and finding a new one

Great salary, great tasks, nice surroundings - Klara S. (42) had found her dream job. The only catch: she had to move for it. Due to the great distance [...]

3 min.
Gas heating - new obligations for owners

Gas is still in short supply. Savings must continue to be made. In order to achieve this, the Federal Council has decided on measures that will [...] since October 1, 2022

2 min.
Offspring has arrived, apartment is too small

Finding a large apartment or house for a family is not only difficult due to the low supply of affordable properties in and around the [...]

3 min.
Why a property is worthwhile as a retirement provision

Unlike shares, real estate is regarded as a secure retirement provision. Even if the purchase and maintenance can be associated with high costs. How can [...]

3 min.
Away from gas and oil - what alternatives are there?

Many consumers are affected by rising heating costs. Especially property owners. Those who still heat with gas or oil can switch to alternatives. Which [...]

3 min.
What do I need to consider when buying an existing property?

If you don't want to build your own house, you can buy an existing property. But if you're not careful, you can end up with excess costs that were previously [...]

3 min.
Building prices on the rise - would you rather buy an existing property?

The cost of new builds has risen sharply. Hardly anyone can afford to build a property. Whether a new build is financially viable depends [...]

3 min.
Bauflation - modernize your property now?

Inflation, rising interest rates, a shortage of building materials and skilled workers - for many owners, now does not seem to be the time to modernize their property. Yet it can [...]

2 min.
How to master the move!

We show you how to make a smooth start to your new life in a care home and what formalities you will need to complete: Terminate your tenancy agreement: Check whether [...]

2 min.
Home contract - you should pay attention to this!

However, it is essential that you also draw up your own checklist in which you summarize everything that is important to you in terms of care and support. Key questions that [...]

2 min.
Finding the right care home - the right pre-selection online

It is best to proceed step by step: In which region does the person in need of care want to live in the future? Do they prefer a facility that is close to their current [...]

3 min.
Securing financing

The largest items on the nursing home bill are: 1 - Nursing: This money is used to finance nursing staff and other care. These costs are calculated according to [...]

2 min.
The path to the right level of care

There are calculators on the Internet, for example from some care insurance companies, which estimate the need for care. If it becomes increasingly clear to you that inpatient care is the only option [...]

2 min.
Better living with care - step by step to the right care home

She was a sociable lady who loved to chat with friends and neighbors on her daily walk through the park. But then came the [...]

3 min.
Myth or truth - what a broker can and may do (Part 3)

There are many reservations about real estate agents and they often persist. They are mostly about what an estate agent is (not) allowed to do and what he [...]

3 min.
Myth or truth - what a broker can and may do (Part 2)

There are many reservations about real estate agents and they often persist. They are mostly about what an estate agent is (not) allowed to do and what he [...]

3 min.
Myth or truth - what a broker can and may do (Part 1)

There are many reservations about real estate agents and they often persist. They are mostly about what an estate agent is (not) allowed to do and what he [...]

3 min.
Your broker must know these laws

In his work, a real estate agent offers many services related to buying and selling real estate. This requires a broad knowledge of very different topics [...]

3 min.
What to do if the financing falls through and the notary appointment is canceled?

Everything is going well with the sale of your property. Your estate agent has found a sympathetic buyer who will even take over the old fitted kitchen. The appointment with the [...]

3 min.
What to do if the financing falls through and the notary appointment is canceled?

Everything is going well with the sale of your property. Your estate agent has found a sympathetic buyer who will even take over the old fitted kitchen. The appointment with the [...]

3 min.
How can I renovate my property to make it more energy efficient?

The current crises clearly show us that buildings need to become more climate-friendly. But what can owners do to reduce CO2 emissions and save costs? Who needs to [...]

3 min.
Buying a house, inflation, rising interest rates: how do I finance a house purchase in these times?

The markets are beginning to change. The loss of purchasing power climbed to 7.9% in May 2022 and interest rates rose enormously. Were they able to [...]

3 min.
Real estate inheritance in a patchwork family: better with a will

What does the son of the partner from the first marriage inherit and what do the joint children inherit - in a patchwork family, not every family member is automatically an heir. As [...]

3 min.
What to do if there is a renovation backlog?

Burst water pipes due to corrosion, a leaky roof, excessive energy consumption due to inadequate insulation - a backlog of renovation work can have serious consequences. These include not only costs for [...]

3 min.
What to do if there is a renovation backlog?

Burst water pipes due to corrosion, a leaky roof, excessive energy consumption due to inadequate insulation - a backlog of renovation work can have serious consequences. These include not only costs for [...]

1 min.
Video: Selling real estate from a distance

Selling a property without being on site is a challenge. If you are working, it is probably difficult to be present for the entire sales process.

3 min.
Freedom from encumbrances for a higher property value

It is not only material criteria such as location, plot, building and fittings that determine the value of a property. Intangible criteria - such as a right of way or a [...]

3 min.
Selling a property - waiting for the right time?

The decision has been made - the property is to be sold. But when is the right time to sell your property? Is there the right [...]

1 min.
Video: What you need to know about the energy performance certificate

If a property is to be sold or rented, the energy performance certificate is mandatory. If it is not available at the latest at the viewing appointment or if legal requirements are violated, there is a [...]

3 min.
Inherited a property? What you need to consider in 2022

Every year, large fortunes are inherited in Germany. This often includes a property such as a plot of land. As with a house, there are also [...]

3 min.
Living closer to the grandchildren again

Sabine and Jürgen H. rarely see their grandchildren. Their daughter Claudia moved to a distant city about ten years ago for professional reasons. In the meantime [...]

3 min.
Proptechs in the real estate industry

Proptechs (property technology) make the housing industry easier and are becoming increasingly important within the real estate sector. What digitalized solutions are available [...]

3 min.
Divorce property: when one person stays in it

For many people, a happy marriage and their own home are the fulfillment of their life goals. But what happens to the property when the marital bliss is over? [...]

3 min.
Distress sale: How NOT to turn my property into a bargain

There are situations in which a property needs to be sold quickly. For example, in the event of job loss, insolvency or if the interest rates are too high for follow-up financing. [...]

3 min.
Living in old age: moving into a care home

People in need of care who can no longer cope with everyday life in their own four walls have a number of options for getting help. The last and sometimes the [...]

2 min.
How do you find a buyer?

Life annuity and time annuity Real estate annuities are particularly interesting for buyers who want to acquire the property as an investment rather than for their own use. Depending on the amount of [...]

2 min.
How the pension is calculated

In order to determine how much a pensioner will receive for their property, it must first be valued using a professional procedure. The value determined here is the [...]

2 min.
Annuity models

Life annuity and time annuity First of all, a distinction is made in real estate annuities between life annuities and time annuities. While the payments for a life annuity are linked to the lifetime of the [...]

1 min.
What is real estate retirement?

You can have the purchase price paid out either in a single payment, in monthly annuity payments or in a combination of both. Studies show that pensioners in [...]

2 min.
Video: Distress sale - when the property needs to be sold quickly

Job loss or financial bottlenecks - it happens time and again that a property has to be sold in a short space of time. If this is not successful, there is usually a [...]

3 min.
Where do I advertise my property?

If you are planning to sell your property, you need to advertise it. But where? Among other things, this depends on the target group for the property for sale. The [...]

3 min.
Credit check: Can the prospective buyer afford your property?

Have you found a sympathetic buyer for your property and got everything signed and sealed at the notary appointment? But suddenly the financing falls through. No money [...]

3 min.
Searching for real estate with the Easter bunny? It works better with a professional estate agent

Real estate is currently better hidden than Easter eggs. But why is that? According to experts, there are currently no significantly fewer real estate transactions than just a few years ago. [...]

3 min.
Selling a rented property: what you need to look out for

Real estate is still considered a safe investment. Rented properties are particularly interesting for investors as they generate rental income from day one and you can [...]

2 min.
Video: Inherited property - dissolving a community of heirs

Communities of heirs are formed when several heirs have a claim to an estate due to the degree of kinship or by will. This brings together different ideas, wishes and characters. [...]

2 min.
Video: Inherited property - dissolving a community of heirs

Communities of heirs are formed when several heirs have a claim to an estate due to the degree of kinship or by will. This brings together different ideas, wishes and characters. [...]

3 min.
Checklist: Recognizing housing needs for old age

What should my property have so that I can live in it carefree in old age? After all, the needs of a 70-year-old are very different from those of a [...]

4 min.
Tiny houses - small house, big happiness?

Living space is becoming increasingly expensive and scarce, especially in larger cities. There are also trends towards minimalism and sustainability - less in better [...]

3 min.
Settling real estate financing in the divorce

Many couples who make a long-term commitment also enter into joint obligations such as financing a property. But if a marriage ends in divorce or separation, [...]

3 min.
Living in old age: moving abroad

With a cocktail on the veranda and no more gray days. Many senior citizens not only dream of enjoying their retirement in a mild climate and year-round [...]

1 min.
Real estate in divorce - What do I need to consider?

Very few divorces are peaceful. There are often arguments about what used to belong to both partners. Especially with real estate, it is not easy to [...]

1 min.
Real estate in divorce - What do I need to consider?

Very few divorces are peaceful. There are often arguments about what used to belong to both partners. Especially with real estate, it is not easy to [...]

3 min.
7 steps to your own property

People looking for real estate often get bogged down. Time and again, they find their dream property, but the financing falls through. Or the financing is in place, but the [...]

3 min.
Thinking about later now: so that you will still be happy with your new property in old age

When buying real estate, many people don't give enough thought to the issue of "living in old age". This includes owners who will be moving into a new property in the near future [...]

3 min.
Why the estate register is important for real estate inheritance

What does an inheritance actually include? Time and again, deceased people leave something behind that their heirs don't even know about. This ranges from expensive jewelry to shares [...]

3 min.
Valentine's Day Extra: Why we are brokers with heart and soul

Valentine's Day is traditionally the day for lovers. You give your loved one a little gift, give flowers or simply say thank you. Or confess [...]

3 min.
Gerda H.: "This is how I found my senior living community"

When my husband died a year ago, it was clear that I would no longer be able to look after our large house on my own. And one of the children [...]

1 min.
Video: Moving to a retirement home - what happens to my property

Anyone who buys a property usually plans to live in it until the end of their life. But in old age, many owners realize that their [...]

3 min.
Right of residence in the event of divorce and separation

There is a lot to clarify in a divorce. If you have your own apartment or house, this often involves the question of [...]

3 min.
Help, I've inherited a Messi apartment

Meter-high stacks of newspapers lie on the windowsill, in the rooms only narrow paths lead through the junk and in the courtyard there are several piles of [...]

3 min.
Selling a property before personal insolvency?

Insolvency proceedings cover all of a debtor's assets - with the exception of non-seizable items such as a cell phone, wardrobe and bed. This also includes the property. This [...]

3 min.
Will real estate prices fall in 2022?

Residential real estate is still in short supply in Germany's major cities. Prices for apartments and houses continue to rise rapidly. However, experts are seeing the first signs of a trend reversal [...]

3 min.
Dissolution of the community of heirs

If a deceased person leaves several heirs, they form a community of heirs. As a community of heirs is not intended to last forever, the aim is to dissolve it, i.e. [...]

3 min.
How do you calculate the living space of a property without liability risks?

Real estate is in high demand at the moment. It's easy to think that you can sell a property quickly for a profit without using an estate agent. This is not without risk, because [...]

1 min.
Video: Inheriting property in good time - avoiding family disputes

According to experts, every second inheritance in Germany involves a property. Disputes often arise over inheritance, as a property is not so easy to divide [...]

1 min.
Video: Inheriting property in good time - avoiding family disputes

According to experts, every second inheritance in Germany involves a property. Disputes often arise over inheritance, as a property is not so easy to divide [...]

3 min.
How do you sell your property when you are not on site?

Selling a property without being on site is a challenge. For example, if you live in Dortmund and have inherited a property in Munich [...]

2 min.
Instead of presents, we offer...

...comprehensive advice on selling or buying a property support with your real estate transaction ...a free valuation of your property, accurate thanks to many years of experience and extensive market knowledge [...]

1 min.
Where do I want to live in old age?

As we get older, we generally suffer from more and more health problems. This has an impact on our performance and our needs. Property owners, [...]

3 min.
Moving from the city to the countryside - what's important

Out of the cramped rented or owner-occupied apartment, away from the city with its exhaust fumes and the noise of the streets day and night. This is exactly what [...]

4 min.
Inheriting property as a welfare recipient

If you receive unemployment benefit II (ALG II) or Hartz IV and inherit a property, there are a few things to bear in mind. This is because the job center makes it [...]

3 min.
Why you should not do without an exposé even when demand is high

"That's not what I had in mind" - time and again, property viewings end in failure if prospective buyers have not been able to get a good picture of the property beforehand. A [...]

4 min.
Distress sale: Selling successfully even in difficult times

Regina and Fréderic are desperate. Two corona lockdowns and somewhat unfortunate timing have driven them into insolvency. Now they can't even make the loan installments for [...]

3 min.
Selling a condominium - what owners should know

Anyone who lives in an apartment building for rent or for sale knows that things don't always run smoothly between the residents. Anyone who is in a community of owners [...]

1 min.
Video: When is a barrier-free conversion worthwhile?

Many homeowners want to stay in their own home in old age. However, a property is not always age-appropriate. Therefore, for many [...]

3 min.
Old home sold, new build not yet finished - what now?

It is not only the current shortage of raw materials that is causing delays in house construction, much to the dismay of many builders. But what to do when the old property [...]

3 min.
Divorce: why not the nest model?

A divorce should be as pleasant as possible, especially for the children. The so-called nest model is designed to achieve just that. The children [...]

3 min.
Divorce: why not the nest model?

A divorce should be as pleasant as possible, especially for the children. The so-called nest model is designed to achieve just that. The children [...]

3 min.
How can the value of a property be increased?

If you want to achieve a higher price for your property, you can do so by upgrading it. With the help of refurbishment, renovation or modernization measures, the value [...]

3 min.
When the family grows, but the property becomes too small

First of all, a new addition to the family means great happiness. When the initial joy subsides, the planning begins. The lack of space is often a burning issue - because [...]

1 min.
Video: Real estate retirement - sale with right of residence

Anyone who owns a property usually wants to live there in old age. It becomes problematic when the pension is just enough to live on. Anyone who wants to [...]

3 min.
When a move to a retirement home can no longer be avoided

Hannelore and Gerhard K. loved their house. When they bought it almost 40 years ago, they expected to live in it for the rest of their [...]

3 min.
What are the benefits of digital broker tools for buying real estate?

Real estate is increasingly being marketed digitally. Prospective buyers can use 360-degree viewings and other modern marketing options to get an idea of the property. [...]

3 min.
What are the benefits of digital broker tools for buying real estate?

Real estate is increasingly being marketed digitally. Prospective buyers can use 360-degree viewings and other modern marketing options to get an idea of the property. [...]

3 min.
Divorce property: when the new partner wants to move in

Divorce is not a pleasant and simple matter. Especially when there is a shared property. The ex-couple often disagree, quarrel or distrust each other [...]

4 min.
Changing the floor plan of a property - better sales opportunities?

With floor plan changes, properties can be adapted to the needs of the real estate market. The requirements placed on a residential property differ depending on the size of the household. Who [...]

4 min.
Rise in residential real estate prices is slowing - is the market turning?

Despite the pandemic, the real estate markets remain tight in many locations. There are now initial signs that the situation on the real estate market is easing. [...]

3 min.
Living arrangements in old age - what options are there?

Older people have different requirements for their own four walls than younger people. Depending on their needs, there are different forms of living and options for [...]

3 min.
When time is short: the checklist for distressed sales

Sudden unemployment or divorce - there are situations in which a property needs to be sold quickly so that it does not become a financial burden. If [...]

3 min.
Inherited a rented apartment - what now?

If a rented apartment is inherited, the tenancy is also transferred to the heir or the community of heirs. Heirs are then landlords. The inheritance not only brings [...]

3 min.
Renovation before selling the property = higher sales price?

The red roof tiles are green with moss, the formerly white façade is crumbling and the wallpaper is yellowing. For many property owners, such [...]

3 min.
Why you need a professional valuation

We experience the following situation again and again: When Karl T. (name changed) sold his property after almost 50 years, he had a rough idea of its [...].

3 min.
Innovative real estate marketing with the SAM viewing robot

Robot technology is also advancing in Germany. This is having an impact on the real estate sector. Marketing methods for owners who want to sell their property are becoming increasingly modern [...]

2 min.
Change of residence and real estate through exchange partners

Special times call for special measures. This also applies to the tight housing and real estate market. Families with children have different needs when it comes to [...]

3 min.
Barrier-free conversion - when are the costs and effort worthwhile?

Many homeowners want to remain living in their own four walls in old age. But at the latest when climbing stairs becomes increasingly difficult, many think about a [...]

3 min.
Bridge financing - overcoming liquidity bottlenecks

Anyone selling their house or condominium usually uses the capital to be released to buy a new home. However, this is often [...]

3 min.
What to do if the house needs to be sold quickly?

The COVID-19 pandemic turned Katja and Björn H.'s lives upside down. As with many, the changed circumstances brought financial problems. The [...]

3 min.
Inherited property - and now?

An inherited plot of land is like winning the lottery if you want to build. But there are pitfalls: not everything and not everywhere can be built on. [...]

3 min.
Is wood the new gold?

Roof battens, screws, cables - building materials for real estate are currently becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. This is because many materials are going abroad. This has a serious impact on the [...]

3 min.
GDPR for real estate sales

"As much as necessary, but as little as possible!" This is the principle of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). What does this actually mean for the sale of real estate? [...]

4 min.
When your home no longer suits your age

Many senior citizens have already experienced this: the little house they bought in the prime of their lives has become too big for them and [...]

3 min.
Selling price or asking price? What is the difference?

When owners decide to sell their property, one of the first and most important questions is the right price. Owners often start by researching [...]

3 min.
Real estate prices: Will 2024 see a turnaround?

For years, real estate prices have only known one direction: upwards. However, a recent analysis by Deutsche Bank predicts the end of the [...]

3 min.
Stricter rules for the energy certificate

The requirements for energy performance certificates for existing residential buildings have been tightened once again as of May 1, 2021. Additional information, including on the property's greenhouse gas emissions, is [...]

3 min.
360° tour: online viewings help you close a sale faster

A home inspection is essential for real estate sales. But nowadays, not every prospective buyer necessarily needs to be shown around at an on-site appointment. First of all, potential buyers can [...]

3 min.
Checklist - Divorce property

The division of a property during a divorce poses difficult questions for the spouses - and this in an emotionally tense phase of life. What options for dividing [...]

4 min.
Where are "invisible" properties hidden?

In some regions, the search for a property currently seems almost hopeless. Many prospective buyers are frantically scouring the search portals and wondering whether there is still [...]

4 min.
Selling a house, clearing out a house - both are easier with professionals!

Katja hasn't really had time to mourn her grandfather yet. Her grandfather left behind a house - and numerous heirs. They quickly agreed [...]

4 min.
Apartment too small? House too big? An exchange is the solution!

Many owners are stuck in a property that no longer suits them. The high demand and low supply on the real estate market currently make it [...]

3 min.
Living smart like the Easter bunny: home and office in one

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of people who not only spend more time at home, but also use their homes for [...]

3 min.
Legally compliant real estate sales - nothing works without documents

Selling a property often goes hand in hand with fundamental changes in your life situation. Most sellers have to take care of all kinds of things at the same time and are therefore under time pressure. [...]

4 min.
How long will real estate prices continue to rise?

It comes as a surprise to many: despite the coronavirus pandemic, property prices in major cities and their peripheral locations continue to rise. This is due to the persistently high [...]

3 min.
Selling a property without moving out: Right of residence or usufruct

Although many homeowners would like to stay in their familiar home into old age, they would like to keep the considerable capital invested in their property [...].

3 min.
Drone videos: Your added value in real estate marketing

What 360-degree tours are for interiors, drone videos are for exteriors. They allow interested parties to get a comprehensive impression of the property and the surrounding area [...].

3 min.
Distress sale: real estate retirement instead of foreclosure

The economic impact of corona cannot yet be assessed. Experts assume that there will be considerable financial losses. Under certain circumstances [...]

4 min.
Divorce property: Nina wants to stay, Nils wants to sell - what now?

Nina and Nils no longer see a future in their marriage. They want a divorce. Now they are faced with the problem of how they can [...]

4 min.
Dividing an inherited property - the most common difficulties

Interview with lawyer and real estate expert Sven Johns When a property is inherited, there is usually not just one sole heir, but a community of heirs under which the [...]

3 min.
Selling a joint property in the year of separation - there is much to be said for this

Dividing a joint property is often a huge challenge for couples going through a divorce. Even if both partners are actually in agreement. A sale [...]

3 min.
Selling the property despite the lockdown

There seems to be no end to the coronavirus waves and lockdowns. Anyone who has to sell their property now or has perhaps been planning to sell for some time can still [...]

3 min.
The right broker: cheaper is not always better

When choosing the right estate agent, the new Real Estate Agent Act has added the component of price. As the seller now has to pay either half or all of the [...]

3 min.
Extended deadline for the Baukindergeld - How do I submit an application?

The Baukindergeld is a state subsidy for families with children who purchase residential property - regardless of whether they are building a new home or buying an existing property. The subsidy measure [...]

3 min.
Where do I apply for funding for more efficient heating?

Property owners can receive state funding for both the replacement and optimization of an existing heating system. The two main contacts for applying for [...]

2 min.
Thank you for a successful 2020

The year 2020 and the associated coronavirus pandemic had a major impact on social and business life. Despite all the restrictions, we are still [...]

3 min.
Santa Claus and old age

Christmas Eve is fast approaching and with it the end of the year. The most stressful time of the year also begins for Santa Claus. [...]

3 min.
The new Brokerage Act: what is changing?

On December 23, 2020, a new law on the regulation of brokerage costs will come into force. It essentially contains a uniform regulation for the whole of Germany, [...]

3 min.
Give away or bequeath a property?

As an owner, you may often think about whether you should bequeath your property or give it away during your lifetime. Giving away can sometimes have advantages. [...]

3 min.
What you should know now about the new Building Energy Act

The new Building Energy Act (GEG) came into force on November 1, 2020. Its purpose is to introduce regulations to limit the energy requirements of buildings, which were previously [...]

3 min.
The checklist for a successful house sale

As the sale of a property is very extensive, it is easy to lose sight of things. However, such mishaps can cost money. Which [...]

4 min.
Equalization of accrued gains - what you need to pay attention to during divorce

When couples get divorced, the question of "Who gets what?" is of essential importance. Especially when it comes to a jointly occupied property that [...]

3 min.
Successfully marketing real estate on social media

Around 46 percent of Germans are active on social media. This undoubtedly includes potential buyers of your property. Because sooner or later [...]

3 min.
Inherited property: accept or reject?

At first glance, the answer to this question seems obvious. After all, real estate is worth a lot in Germany - so who would want to do without it? But [...]

3 min.
Even when demand is high, a property does not sell itself

Demand on the real estate market is currently high almost everywhere. So it doesn't seem difficult to find prospective buyers and sell your own home. [...]

3 min.
Why a lifelong right of residence?

A life estate allows people to live in a property without owning it or paying rent for it. Securing this right can be done in [...]

3 min.
Keep an eye on follow-up financing

At the moment, interest rates for follow-up financing are favorable. How this will develop in the coming years, also due to the corona crisis, is difficult to [...]

4 min.
Fake prospects - how to weed them out at an early stage

No sooner have you advertised your property than the phone and email inbox are ringing off the hook. But how do you know which of the countless interested parties are really interested in your [...]

3 min.
No more bare walls - with virtual furnishing

Pictures say more than words - even when it comes to selling a property. That's why professional photos are particularly important. But not only with [...]

3 min.
Is age-appropriate conversion worthwhile?

Many people who have bought a house had imagined living in it until old age. In old age, however, steep [...]

4 min.
Is there an optimal time to sell a property?

Your circumstances have changed and you are thinking about selling your property. But you don't want to rush things and are waiting for the right [...]

3 min.
Negotiate the right price

The value of a property can be determined. However, it is difficult to enforce this price in negotiations with prospective buyers without the right know-how. What [...]

3 min.
Residing instead of resigning: What are the benefits of moving to a retirement home?

Senior residences or retirement homes promise a retirement in an upscale ambience. Those who move in here can expect first-class facilities, attractive leisure and cultural activities and sophisticated conversation partners among the [...]

3 min.
Rising real estate prices despite corona

How the real estate market will develop after the coronavirus crisis is the subject of controversial debate among market experts. While some economists expect significant price reductions, real estate agents with market experience believe that the [...]

4 min.
Family offspring and real estate sales - better with an estate agent

A new addition to the family makes you happy, but also brings a lot of stress with it. Not infrequently, having (another) child also means that your old property becomes too small. [...]

3 min.
Life annuity: Sell your property, stay in it and top up your pension

If your pension is too low in old age or you want to distribute your pre-existing inheritance, it is worth taking out a property annuity to gain more financial freedom. A [...]

3 min.
Real estate in the will

Real estate is one of the most sought-after investments. It is therefore no surprise that houses, apartments and plots of land are often included in the estate of the deceased. So that after [...]

3 min.
Real estate prices and demand continue to rise in 2020

In the first quarter of 2020, residential property prices were on average 6.8 percent higher than in the first quarter of 2019. Respectable price increases were recorded both in the cities [...]

2 min.
Nursing homes as a capital investment

The demand for care facilities is constantly increasing. The reason for this is the demographic development in Germany with its disproportionate increase in the older population compared to the younger generation. [...]

3 min.
Bundestag passes building energy law

On June 19, 2020, the Bundestag passed the Building Energy Act (GEG). In future, this law will bring together all legal requirements in the area of buildings and renewable energies. [...]

3 min.
How to keep pigeons off your roof

Pigeons are a rather unpopular species for most people - at least on their own balcony or roof. Not only does pigeon droppings contaminate the [...]

3 min.
How important is the real estate situation for retirement living?

As people get older, short distances become increasingly important. You should think about this when you buy a property where you want to spend your retirement. A [...]

3 min.
What is a community of heirs?

Whenever a testator leaves not just one but several heirs, they form a so-called community of heirs. The individual members of the community of heirs are also known as [...]

4 min.
Real estate marketing: The exposé

Despite the current high demand, the exposé is a must in order to achieve a reasonable price when selling a property. Professional estate agents not only rely on advertisements [...]

3 min.
Property division in the divorce

For married couples, their own property is not only the center of their lives, but also a significant asset when it comes to retirement provision. Accordingly, the emotional [...]

3 min.
The most common mistakes when selling real estate

Selling your house today seems easier than ever before. Well-known online portals not only offer a public platform for every seller, but also have [...]

3 min.
Finding the right care home - here's how!

The decision has been made: your relative needs intensive care and support. Of course you only want the best for your beloved relative. A place where he [...]

2 min.
What are the benefits of the relocation allowance?

Every move is not only emotionally and physically exhausting, but usually also costs a lot of money. Few people know that moving costs can also be covered by [...]


with passion

Michel Sawall

Michel Sawall

Business owner

030 - 80 19 70 91 033203 - 60 88 81

Aline Hess

Real estate agent

033 203 - 60 88 88 0178 - 38 86 99 8

Kirsten Sawall

Real estate agent

030 - 80 19 70 92

Kerstin Howe

Management assistance

033 203 - 60 88 84

Leon Jahr


033 203 / 60 88 83